I am migrating from crystal report 8.5 to 9.
I am creating a report at runtime and saving the reports.
I am using the code to create recordsets, connections
and also to add the fields and binding the same.
Set cnadm = New ADODB.Connection
cnadm.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA; User ID=" & vAdmin & ";Password=" & admpwd & "; Data Source=" & vDB & " ;Persist Security Info=False"
Set cnAdoAdm = New ADODB.Connection
cnAdoAdm.ConnectionString = "Provider =MSDAORA; User ID=" & vAdmin & "/" & admpwd & "@" & vDB & " ;Persist Security Info=False"
Set datcmd1 = New ADODB.Command
Set datcmd1.ActiveConnection = cnAdoAdm
datcmd1.CommandText = "select * from " & Trim(vAdmin) & ".tbl_temp_register order by ourref"
datcmd1.CommandType = adCmdText
Set rstest = New ADODB.Recordset
rstest.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rstest.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rstest.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rstest.Source = "select * from " & Trim(vAdmin) & ".tbl_temp_register order by ourref"
rstest.Open rstest.Source, cnadm, , , adCmdText
reporttest.Database.LogOnServer "pdsora7.dll", vDB, "", Trim(vAdmin), Trim(admpwd)
reporttest.Database.AddADOCommand cnAdoAdm, datcmd1
I am getting the error "Creating Feature Not Enabled" in VB6.0 for the above statement.
I hv registered the Crystal Reports 9.0 .
Please Help..
I am creating a report at runtime and saving the reports.
I am using the code to create recordsets, connections
and also to add the fields and binding the same.
Set cnadm = New ADODB.Connection
cnadm.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA; User ID=" & vAdmin & ";Password=" & admpwd & "; Data Source=" & vDB & " ;Persist Security Info=False"
Set cnAdoAdm = New ADODB.Connection
cnAdoAdm.ConnectionString = "Provider =MSDAORA; User ID=" & vAdmin & "/" & admpwd & "@" & vDB & " ;Persist Security Info=False"
Set datcmd1 = New ADODB.Command
Set datcmd1.ActiveConnection = cnAdoAdm
datcmd1.CommandText = "select * from " & Trim(vAdmin) & ".tbl_temp_register order by ourref"
datcmd1.CommandType = adCmdText
Set rstest = New ADODB.Recordset
rstest.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rstest.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rstest.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rstest.Source = "select * from " & Trim(vAdmin) & ".tbl_temp_register order by ourref"
rstest.Open rstest.Source, cnadm, , , adCmdText
reporttest.Database.LogOnServer "pdsora7.dll", vDB, "", Trim(vAdmin), Trim(admpwd)
reporttest.Database.AddADOCommand cnAdoAdm, datcmd1
I am getting the error "Creating Feature Not Enabled" in VB6.0 for the above statement.
I hv registered the Crystal Reports 9.0 .
Please Help..