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Error Control Help 1

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Apr 17, 2001
If have ths piece of code below that I need some help putting some error control around.

If (ID=11744) or (ID = 1215) or (ID=1217) or (ID=1218) or (ID=1219) Then
arrTime = Split(ItemsWorked, ":")
Itemsworked = arrTime(0) * 60 + arrTime(1)
End If

The users should enter in numbers in the format of 12:13, if they do the code work and sums up fine. If they enter nothing or just one value such as 12 and does'nt ":" then it throws and error
For your version:
str = ItemsWorked
ra = arrTime

	str = "22:19"
	ra = split(str,":")
	' check to see if there are exacty two items in the array - remember the arrays are zero based.
	if ubound(ra) <> 1 then
		response.write "error - to many or not enough colons"
	' if passed, check to ensure both values are numeric
	elseif not isNumeric(ra(0)) or not isNumeric(ra(1)) then
		response.write "error - hours and minutes must be numeric values"
	' if passed, check to ensure each item in the array is exactly 2 digits (i.e. 2:19 should be 02:19)
	elseif len(ra(0)) <> 2 or len(ra(1)) <> 2 then	
		response.write "error - hours and minutes must be exactly 2 digits"
	' if passed, check to ensure a valid hour and minute was entered
	elseif (ra(0) < 0 or ra(0)  > 23) or (ra(1) < 0 or ra(1)  > 59) then
		response.write "error - invalid hours or minutes"
	' if passed everything above, quote Homer Simpson
		response.write "WOO HOO"
	end if

Of course using a regEx would be best, I'm not the best at giving examples - but there are lots of people on these forums who know them well and may offer up an example as well (it will be A LOT shorter than what I wrote above)

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