Hi,<br><br>I hope you can help. I have a site who keep getting the following errors, in the event viewer.<br><br>The Open Procedure for service "SQL_ANYWHERE" in DLL "c:\sqlany50\win32\sqlactrs.dll" failed. Performance data for this service will not be avaiable. Status code returned is DWORD O.<br><br>Event Id 1008<br>Source Perflib<br><br>and at the same time I also get<br><br>The description for Event ID ( 2003 ) in source ( SQL Anywhere ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s):.<br><br><br>Event Id 2003<br>Source SQL_Anywhere<br><br>I know these errors are to do with the performance monitor and these processes attempting to write to them, but this site does not use the performance monitor. So why is it giving stop errors, should these not be advisory entries in the event viewer.<br><br>The SQL database has not been shut down when these errors happen, nor has the backup attempted to run. Technet suggests that these are harmless and should be ignored, but the admin on site is quite concerened as to why they are happening.<br><br>The have the following kit<br><br>3 * Acer Altos 9100 PII - PDC, BDC, EXCHANGE SERVER<br>NT 4 SP 5<br>SQL Anywhere v5.5.04 server<br>backupexec v7.3<br>Sophos with latest IDEs<br> <br><br>Any help would be greatful received.<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br><br>Paul<br> <br> <p>Paul Ovey<br><a href=mailtoaul.ovey@avenue-legal.co.uk>paul.ovey@avenue-legal.co.uk</a><br><a href= > </a><br>