I have a database that I took over and I am in the process of improving and installing some error checking code in the "Before Update" sections to provide less missing and more consistent data. Below is the code I am having issues with. The field name is not a good one and to fix it correctly I feel I need to change it, however due to reports, etc. using the field name and time constraints, I was hoping to get a tip on how I can use thie cuttetnt field name. I'm almost certain it's the ? thaty is causing the problem. Thanks!
ElseIf IsNull (Is_this_claim_assigned_to_me?) Or Is_this_claim_assigned_to_me? = 0 Then
MsgBox "Must enter who task is asssigned to.", vbCritical, "Enter claim assignment"
ElseIf IsNull (Is_this_claim_assigned_to_me?) Or Is_this_claim_assigned_to_me? = 0 Then
MsgBox "Must enter who task is asssigned to.", vbCritical, "Enter claim assignment"