After compacting my database, half of my tables disappeared, but the data file was the same size as it had been. So the tables are still there.
I turned on viewing of system tables, and lo-and-behold, my missing tables had all become system tables. Their owner is "Engine" (the MS Jet Engine) instead of "Admin" (I'm not using security or workgroups, by the way). I cannot change permissions for the table since I am not the user Engine. Therefore my table is stuck in limbo, completely inaccessible as far as I can tell.
Any suggestions for working around this? I'm using an Access 2000 file in AccessXP on WindowsXP.
I turned on viewing of system tables, and lo-and-behold, my missing tables had all become system tables. Their owner is "Engine" (the MS Jet Engine) instead of "Admin" (I'm not using security or workgroups, by the way). I cannot change permissions for the table since I am not the user Engine. Therefore my table is stuck in limbo, completely inaccessible as far as I can tell.
Any suggestions for working around this? I'm using an Access 2000 file in AccessXP on WindowsXP.