We upgraded from IM 7.5 to 9.0 as we upgraded to GP9. I have one integration which is calling SQL stored procedure and I can't get this integration to work after upgrade. When I run the integration, it does the connection but does not integrate any documents and gives the error
Establishing source record count...
ERROR: Rowset does not support fetching backward.
Connection String is:
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Connect Timeout=15;Extended Properties="DRIVER=SQL server;SERVER=servername;UID=User;PWD=password;APP=Integration Manager;DATABASE=DB name";WSID=machine ID; Locale Identifier=1033;Database=DB name
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks for you time.
Establishing source record count...
ERROR: Rowset does not support fetching backward.
Connection String is:
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Connect Timeout=15;Extended Properties="DRIVER=SQL server;SERVER=servername;UID=User;PWD=password;APP=Integration Manager;DATABASE=DB name";WSID=machine ID; Locale Identifier=1033;Database=DB name
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks for you time.