I am having problem in accessing a web service. Here is the code:
lowshandler = CREATEOBJECT("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
lowshandler.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = .T.
IF UPPER(ALLTRIM(oApplicationObject.cApplicationMode)) = [PROD]
lowshandler.MSSoapInit(" "myWebserviceSoap","")
lowshandler.MSSoapInit(" "myWebserviceSoap","")
Right now it is still in test. When I run the code from my local machine it works fine. But when it is run from VFP App in test mode it is giving error
Error: 1429 - OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from WSDLReader: WSDLReader:XML Parser failed at linenumber 1, lineposition 0, reason is: System error: -2146697209.
HRESULT=0x1: Incorrect function.
- WSDLReader:Loading of the WSDL file failed HRESULT=0x
Any help is highly appreciated
Thanks for you help and time.
I am having problem in accessing a web service. Here is the code:
lowshandler = CREATEOBJECT("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
lowshandler.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = .T.
IF UPPER(ALLTRIM(oApplicationObject.cApplicationMode)) = [PROD]
lowshandler.MSSoapInit(" "myWebserviceSoap","")
lowshandler.MSSoapInit(" "myWebserviceSoap","")
Right now it is still in test. When I run the code from my local machine it works fine. But when it is run from VFP App in test mode it is giving error
Error: 1429 - OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from WSDLReader: WSDLReader:XML Parser failed at linenumber 1, lineposition 0, reason is: System error: -2146697209.
HRESULT=0x1: Incorrect function.
- WSDLReader:Loading of the WSDL file failed HRESULT=0x
Any help is highly appreciated
Thanks for you help and time.