I am saving a bunch of reports which were originally created on Crystal 6.0, now saving it in Crystal 9.0
This report I am trying to save in Crystal 9.0 has an error message saying ' a number is required here' , what to do?
and the error message ' A number is required here.'
I read some where that his implies that the report has formula that was using Boolean field. Since Boolean fields are used as integers in Enterprise edition, I should change True to -1 and False to 0 respectively.
But where is this boolean they are talking about? not in my code.
I've tried use toNumber infront of that line ..
, still no go here ..is the syntax correct?
You will be back....if this was the problem then the Crystal 6 report would have had the same error...assuming it worked in the first place.
You are implying by this solution that these fields
have changed datatype in the database...which I suppose could happen but then you better check out the rest of the report ......and check out the database to see what datatype they really are....I imagine if things have changed (which I doubt frankly) You are in for grief on any report using these fields
You can also quickly check this in Crystal by looking at some of the data while in the formula editor.
Hi Guys
I had the same problem. I converted a report from CR8.5 to CR9. The report has worked perfectly in CR8.5 for months. When i converted it and ran in web browser i got a "a number is required here error" I had to put ToNumber() arround Summary fields in the formulae. The Sum should be returning a number i would think!. I am now getting a "Date is required here error" in another formulae. This formulae is extracting the day portion of a datetime field and converting it to a string. Report works in CR9 designer OK.
Just when you get used to all the CR quirks, they screw it up again.
It has to do with the way Crystal Reports interprets boolean values. Check the datatype of the field your working with. I never saw this with 4.5,5, or 6. I first encountered this same error converting5.0 reports to 8.0. I believe it has to do with the way crystal (or more likely ODBC) handles boolean data types. Since there are so many different variants depending on your dbms, this sort of jacks up crystal. In the old days you could evaluate a boolean as either a number OR a boolean. Now it's a little stricter, there's a difference between {Incident.OSHARec} = TRUE and {Incident.OSHARec} = 1 (obviously asuming {Incident.OSHARec} is boolean). I was really hoping this would be fixed in 9.5, but no...
I figured out why i was getting the a "Date is required here error". I was using the Day function on a DateTime field. Once i converted the DateTime field to Date using the DateValue function it worked. It looks like CR9 does more strict type checking as this was not a problem with CR8.5
Still can't understand why Sum({numeric field}) does not return a number and you have to do a ToNumber(Sum({Numeric Field}))!!
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