And the strange part of this behavior is that the same script runs without any errors on my machine (development PC) and Production server. But, I get the above error when I run it in Development server.
The Development server has a similar architecture as the Production server. So, I am not able to simluate and confirm the time taken to run the script before moving it Production.
Can you please let me know the reason for this peculiar behavior...?
If you have never been able to run the script on your development machine, I'd check that your transformer application is registered in your DCOM config tool on the dev machine.
To do this, go to C:\WINNT\system32\ and double click on the application called DCOMCNFG.EXE
From the applications tab, scroll down and see if 'Cognos Transformer Application' exists. If it doesnt, this could be your problem, and you will need to do the following (on your dev server):
1. Navigate to the Start Menu, choose Run, and type 'cmd'
2. In the command window, navigate to your cognos install drive (ie. <drive>:\Program Files\Cognos\cerx\bin)
3. Type autoexe.reg "<drive>:\Program Files\Cognos\cerx\bin\trnsfrmr.exe"
4. Run the DCOM config tool again and check the cognos transformer application has been added.
5. Try running your macro again
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