We've been having the same error since we implemented this on Win 2000.
We are running Exchange 5.5 SP4, Arcserve 2000 Sp2 and Exchange agent for 2000 Sp2.
What do you have?
I did restore on the mailboxes that come up with the error, and discovered that they do not get fully backed up.
For instance, actual size of the inbox was 157 636 K. The size of backed up one was 52 748 K. So it's not just annoying.. it's a problem. I don't believe CA don't have a fix yet.
First of all, there's only one way to be sure. Create a testmailbox, send some big files to yourself and vice versa. Back it up, then delete everything in the mailbox (like a normal user would do), then restore, see if you're missing something.
When I get this error, the Exchange server normally hangs with no particular reason. CA told me to go to the vendor for support, vendor told me to go to CA or get a contract (wich is not an option because I refuse to pay for a full contract for just one issue).
The damned thing about CA is that you can get support for the usual stuff like rights, servicepacks and Micro$oft issues. When you get deeper into one of their problems they just stop calling back.
We're only talking about the brick level here, you can always restore the whole priv & pub (if you have a spare server wich is powerful enough to host a complete Exchange system).
thanks for your reply.
I did restore of an existing mailbox that came with this error into independent mailbox that I created. Then compared the size of backed up one ( with the error) and the actual size of the maibox.
I don't have any problems to restore mailboxes that don't come up with an error. Normally, I have about 3-5 diffrent mailboxes which have an error. It could be a subfolder of inbox or sent items, or the entire inbox.
I have opened an issue with CA support. We'll see what happens...
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