Why does this code raise Error 3162 - You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant data type.
If Me.NewRecord Then
Forms![frmReqnWatch]![frmDisreps].Form![XrefReqnID]= Forms![frmReqnWatch]![ReqnID]
End If
I'm trying to pass the value from a text box in the main form to a text box in a subform Both are bound to numeric (long integer) fields in a table.
If Me.NewRecord Then
Forms![frmReqnWatch]![frmDisreps].Form![XrefReqnID]= Forms![frmReqnWatch]![ReqnID]
End If
I'm trying to pass the value from a text box in the main form to a text box in a subform Both are bound to numeric (long integer) fields in a table.