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ERROR 3078: Jet Engine can't find input table or query 1

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Technical User
Feb 18, 2005
I'm coping the table in question from another DB to my DB using VBA code. It is one of 4 tables that gets copied and is the last one in the sequence.

The next step is to run a DELETE query on the newly copied table. This is where I sometimes get the error: "The MS jet engine can't find the input table or query ------ ...."

The table existis because I just copied it. Is this a timing issue or something? The error does not occur every time. I will post the code if needed.

With cnn
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
                      "Data Source=" & Path1 & db4 & ";" & _
                      "Jet OLEDB:Database Password="

End With


Set cnn = Nothing

 [red]DoCmd.OpenQuery "QRY_27053_ONLY", acNormal, acEdit[/red]
You may need to refresh the JET cache using the JRO.JetEngine Object (Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 Library)

   Dim pJE As New JRO.JetEngine
   pJE.RefreshCache cnn
   Set pJE = Nothing

PRIMARY_LINE_C resides in a different database where the DoCmd.OpenQuery reffers to ....
You'll have to either open a connection opbject to MyDB and run the delete sql using the Execute method of the connection object or use a different SQL statement

cnn.Execute "SELECT PRIMARY_LINE.* into PRIMARY_LINE_C IN '" & MyDB & "' FROM PRIMARY_LINE WHERE Item<>27053",,129

Option 129 = adCmdText+ adExecuteNoRecords = evaluates the execution of a textual SQL statement and does not return any records resulting in faster completetion of the instruction from the provider. Just refine as needed the WHERE clause
Upon completion of the copy, PRIMARY_LINE_C and the delete query live in the same DB. I will give your suggestion a go.

Thanks for the reply. I will also see if that will solve my problem.

Thanks to the both of you for repling.

Just to clear something:

DoCmd.OpenQuery is supposed to find the query in the database that runs that code and not in an external database![wink]

Just to make sure I understand what you are saying and that we are on the same page becauase I'm a little confused at this moment.

Primary_Line lives in a different database. I am copying the complete table (Primary_Line) into my DB where all of my queries and Primary_line_C (the copy) live. I'm not, at least I don't think, telling access to run my delete query on Primary_LINE_C in the OTHER DB becuase that table does not exist.

In summary I guess what I'm trying to say is the DoCMD.OPEN query and the PRIMARY_LINE_C table are in the same DB.

Geeze...I think I've confused myself more... %-)

Sounds like Sumitdev was correct at the first time! Sorry for the mess I made [blush]
No problem Jerry. Thanks for taking the time to reply. You've helped me a lot more times than you'll ever know through archived posts!!!

I've tried the JRO solution but still have the same error. This is driving me nuts. Any more ideas?

I'm going to try your suggestion now.

It's more of a challenge now to find out why the delete query says it can't find the table.

I've take then query to a sql string and executed it with DoCmd.RunSQL and I've done currentproject.connection.execute sql and all have produce the error.
One thing I fogort to add. If I let the debugger set on the line for 10 or 15 seconds (that's a guess) and press the RUN button at the top of the debugger the query will run!
I got this fixed. I was my query for this one table that was causing the problems.
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