Been trying to get some auto-emailing code to work. I've been able to get the actual email code to work, but now that I've been making the code more complex I've been running into some issues. I'm fairly certain the 2465 is located somewhere is this block of code, I use this block quite a few times with just a few variations.
Dim strTo As String
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strMessage As String
Dim strCourse As String
Dim strLCourse As String
Dim strComplete As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("qryTraining", dbOpenSnapshot)
strCourse = DLookup([Course], tblCourse, [LCourse] = [cmbLCourse])
strLCourse = cmbLCourse
strCompleted = strCourse & "Completed"
Do Until rs.EOF
Select Case [cmbLCourse] = "Information Protection"
Case [lstType] = "Expires in 15" And Date <= DateAdd("m", DLookup("[Valid]", "tblCourse", "[Course] = '" & strCourse & _
"'"), "'[" & strCompleted & "]'") And Date >= DateAdd(d, -15, DateAdd(m, DLookup("[Valid]", "tblCourse", "[Course] = '" _
& strCourse & "'"), "'[" & strCompleted & "]'")) And [Ignore] = "False"
With rs
strTo = strTo & rs!Email & "; "
strSubject = "blah "
strMessage = "blah "
End With
......................... more of similiar blocks
Case Else
With rs
End With
End Select
cmbLCourse is a combobox containing the Long Course Name
lstType is a listbox containing Overdue, Expires in 15, and Expires in 30 - all hard coded into listbox
tblCourse is a table with all the different types of training available and how long the training is valid - contains the fields [Course], [LCourse], [Valid]
qryTraining is a query based off the main tblPersonnel containing everyone's info, including the <trainingtype>Completed which is when that person last completed that type of training
If any more info is needed just ask, and yes I do have all the closing code, just didnt post it.
Dim strTo As String
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strMessage As String
Dim strCourse As String
Dim strLCourse As String
Dim strComplete As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("qryTraining", dbOpenSnapshot)
strCourse = DLookup([Course], tblCourse, [LCourse] = [cmbLCourse])
strLCourse = cmbLCourse
strCompleted = strCourse & "Completed"
Do Until rs.EOF
Select Case [cmbLCourse] = "Information Protection"
Case [lstType] = "Expires in 15" And Date <= DateAdd("m", DLookup("[Valid]", "tblCourse", "[Course] = '" & strCourse & _
"'"), "'[" & strCompleted & "]'") And Date >= DateAdd(d, -15, DateAdd(m, DLookup("[Valid]", "tblCourse", "[Course] = '" _
& strCourse & "'"), "'[" & strCompleted & "]'")) And [Ignore] = "False"
With rs
strTo = strTo & rs!Email & "; "
strSubject = "blah "
strMessage = "blah "
End With
......................... more of similiar blocks
Case Else
With rs
End With
End Select
cmbLCourse is a combobox containing the Long Course Name
lstType is a listbox containing Overdue, Expires in 15, and Expires in 30 - all hard coded into listbox
tblCourse is a table with all the different types of training available and how long the training is valid - contains the fields [Course], [LCourse], [Valid]
qryTraining is a query based off the main tblPersonnel containing everyone's info, including the <trainingtype>Completed which is when that person last completed that type of training
If any more info is needed just ask, and yes I do have all the closing code, just didnt post it.