There is a main form, frmForm, whose unbound fields are populated by retrieving data from SQL, using a class object. There is no recordset on the main form.
A subform, fsubSubform, is bound to a disconnected ADO recordset. The recordset populated by retrieving the main form's associated records from SQL.
Field names and data types for fsubSubform:
ContactType nvarchar(15)
ContactInfo nvarchar(255)
Modified int
Sample data:
ContactType = 'Test'
ContactInfo = 'Eddie Guerrero'
Modified = 0
A second subform, fsubSubform_Edit, exists only for editing these records. It is not bound to any recordset. A command button, cmdEdit, transfers the field values from the edited record to fsubSubform_Edit.
The data for fsubSubform is successfully passed to the fields on fsubSubform_Edit, with no error.
Data is then changed on fsubSubform_Edit.
Sample data:
ContactType = 'Test'
ContactInfo = 'Chavo Guerrero'
Modified = 0
(Modified is set to 1 by the After_Update event on ContactInfo)
After changes are made on fsubSubform_Edit, a Save command button passes the data back to the recordset behind fsubSubform.
This code produces error -2147217887, with the message "Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value."
Typically this error means that there is a data typing error, from what I have read.
By stepping through the code, I find that the field that "bombs" the process is Modified. However, it appears that it's in its original integer numeric format.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
A subform, fsubSubform, is bound to a disconnected ADO recordset. The recordset populated by retrieving the main form's associated records from SQL.
Field names and data types for fsubSubform:
ContactType nvarchar(15)
ContactInfo nvarchar(255)
Modified int
Sample data:
ContactType = 'Test'
ContactInfo = 'Eddie Guerrero'
Modified = 0
A second subform, fsubSubform_Edit, exists only for editing these records. It is not bound to any recordset. A command button, cmdEdit, transfers the field values from the edited record to fsubSubform_Edit.
Set frm = Forms("frmForm")
With frm.fsubSubform_Edit
' Transfer values from this record to Add/Edit subform
For Each fld In Me.Recordset.Fields
.Form(fld.Name).Value = fld.Value
End With
The data for fsubSubform is successfully passed to the fields on fsubSubform_Edit, with no error.
Data is then changed on fsubSubform_Edit.
Sample data:
ContactType = 'Test'
ContactInfo = 'Chavo Guerrero'
Modified = 0
(Modified is set to 1 by the After_Update event on ContactInfo)
After changes are made on fsubSubform_Edit, a Save command button passes the data back to the recordset behind fsubSubform.
With Forms!frmForm!fsubSubform.Form.Recordset
For Each fld In .Fields
' Subform field names match
fld.Value = Me(fld.Name)
End If
Next fld
Set fld = Nothing
End With
This code produces error -2147217887, with the message "Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value."
Typically this error means that there is a data typing error, from what I have read.
By stepping through the code, I find that the field that "bombs" the process is Modified. However, it appears that it's in its original integer numeric format.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!