I have inheirted some apps that use crystal reports. I am using the following code to set up my .ReportFileName in VB 6.0 . On some Windows NT machines this works fine, but on other machines I get the ERROR 20525 that says I can't load the reports. Any ideas? THanks in advance<br><br><br> g_strReportConnectString = "DSN=W37SQL01;UID=" &<br> g_strUserName _<br> & ";PWD=" & g_strPassword _<br> & ";DSQ=MSC300DV;"<br><br> g_strPath = App.Path & "\reports\"<br><br><br>Dim m_iopen As Integer<br><br> On Error GoTo ErrorHandler<br> If g_cnst_bErrorsTurnedOff Then On Error GoTo 0<br> <br> m_iopen = PEOpenEngine()<br> sub_SetUpNotepadPrint<br>' Send report to<br> ctrNoteReport.Destination = crptToPrinter<br> ctrNoteReport.Action = 1<br> ctrNoteReport.ReportFileName = ""<br> Call PECloseEngine<br> <br>Private Sub sub_SetUpNotepadPrint()<br>Dim m_strReportSelection As String<br>Dim m_strConnectString As String<br><br> ctrNoteReport.Connect = g_strReportConnectString<br> ctrNoteReport.ReportFileName = g_strPath & "\InspectionNotes.rpt"<br> ctrNoteReport.StoredProcParam(0) = l_strPolicyNo<br> ctrNoteReport.StoredProcParam(1) = l_strRequestNo<br> ctrNoteReport.StoredProcParam(2) = fn_GetNotepadPrintSelection<br> ctrNoteReport.ParameterFields(0) = "argUsername;" & g_strUserName & ";TRUE"<br>End Sub<br><br><br><br>