Hi all,
So here's the scenario: I have a view I SELECTed from a VFP free table from a Novell file server (let's call it NOV_TABLE) and a view that resulted from an SPT with data coming from an Oracle server (let's call it ORA_TABLE). The two tables have equal number of fields and with exact data types. I tried combining them using SELECT...UNION but it just gave me the error similar to the title of this post. I found that the problem is one of the numeric fields in NOV_TABLE doesn't match the field length of ORA_TABLE (lets call it nFieldX). Length of nFieldX in NOV_TABLE is 3 while in ORA_TABLE it is 7. The said field will never exceed 999 so length of 3 is enough. I tried re-querying like so:
but it gives the same field length of 7 everytime. What is a better way of producing the same numeric field lengths for both table?
"Once a king, always a king. But being a knight is more than enough."
So here's the scenario: I have a view I SELECTed from a VFP free table from a Novell file server (let's call it NOV_TABLE) and a view that resulted from an SPT with data coming from an Oracle server (let's call it ORA_TABLE). The two tables have equal number of fields and with exact data types. I tried combining them using SELECT...UNION but it just gave me the error similar to the title of this post. I found that the problem is one of the numeric fields in NOV_TABLE doesn't match the field length of ORA_TABLE (lets call it nFieldX). Length of nFieldX in NOV_TABLE is 3 while in ORA_TABLE it is 7. The said field will never exceed 999 so length of 3 is enough. I tried re-querying like so:
ROUND(VAL(TRANSFORM(ora_table1.nstage, "999")), 0) nFieldX ;
FROM ora_table
"Once a king, always a king. But being a knight is more than enough."