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Erratic IIS or ASP functionality! 1

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Jul 8, 2001
Just installed Win2KServer last week, and I have this problem with running ASP's:
Sometimes it runs, sometimes it doesn't..
When it doesn't run, no error is displayed, it just sits there doing nothing..
You never know when it's going to work, it's very erratic.

Figure this one out.
I thought that I had a problem with a counter script, coz it didn't run, but I just realised that if I close IE, then, open it, run the page with the script, it runs, if I close IE again, open it, and run the page with the script, it doesn't run..

How's that for mind blowing.

Does anyone had any similar experience, or know what to do?

Thank you.

Have u tried to install W2K Service Pack 2?
If no try to install it & see if u have problems...
I had some problems with W2K Advance Server and W2K Service Pack 2 solved these problems...
I have not installed SP2, for one simple reason, in another server it was installed and several problems begun to appear, in particular a frozen explorer every 3 hours or so.
That's why I will not install it in my server.. It has all security updates and SP1.

Did the problems you had with ADV SRV, were related with erratic IIS - ASP functionality?

Thank you.

Not quite but i think it would be help u
I had problems with ASP debugging... but i had no problem after i instaled SP2...
Humm, I'm a bit cautious, coz in the other server, we had to reinstall the OS from scratch, there was no other alternative, only applyed SP1 to it, and still runs problem free today.

I also thought that it might be a IIS configuration problem.
I have also noticed that in all the root webs, no GLOBAL.ASA could be found, in fact no GLOBAL.ASA could be found in the C partition.. Could this be an indication of something? Does Win2KServer install this files at install time, and do I need them?

Thank you.

No this file is automaticaly instaled with the IIS but if u dont have them ... it's a problem
It's no need for this file unless u do some initialization here
Try to reinstall just the IIS on the server and see if it works...
I had to reinstal cuz my web server didn't work one time...

One question for U (if could help me)
Have u been used CDNOTS objects?
i really apreciated...
Ok.. If I reinstall IIS, will I loose everything in the current webs, or it just overwrites IIS files?

No, never used CDNOTS. What is it? Is it for e-mail?

Are you using NT4 or 5?

You have mentioned CDONTS so I presume you're using NT4, use the following code to send e-mail:

ASP code:
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDO.From = "Some email"
objCDO.To = "Some email"
objCDO.Subject = "Some subject"
objCDO.Body = "Some message body"

objCDO.BodyFormat = 0
objCDO.MailFormat = 0

Set objCDO = Nothing

It overwrites just the common files not the new ones
i'm using w2000 advance server
abd thsnks for CDONTS example... and one question
the object exists if i do not instal the SMPT service?
Okay.. I have done some experiments:

Have reset the whole system secury permissions, to the same ones, when the OS was first installed..

Reinstalled IIS, by uncheking it from add/remove, then manually deleted the INETPUB folder, and reintslled IIS again..

Installed Win2Kserver on top of the old one, not a clean install and it still refuses to run ASP's that contain objects, all other ASP's run now..

I'm suspecting at this point, that, even if I do a fresh, clean OS install, it will probably still do not run ASP's as desired :-(.. Don't know what to do anymore..
If something else does not come along really soon, I will have to loose another week oe so, by reinstalling from scratch the OS and all software and setup everything.

SHADOW: If you are using Win2K use the CDO object to send mail like this:

ASP code:
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject(&quot;CDO.Message&quot;)
With objCDO
.From = &quot;EMail&quot;
.To = &quot;EMail&quot;
.Subject = &quot;Subject&quot;
.HtmlBody = &quot;Message&quot;
End With
Set objCDO = Nothing
Response.Write &quot;EMail sent to &quot; & strTO & &quot;!&quot;

The object might exist, but, it needs the SMTP server to send the email, otherwise it will not work..

Okay, guys, please set some light on this issue (Erratic IIS or ASP functionality), it actually affects a few people, and the answer must be out there, somewhere..

Thank you.

Ok, here's a few random thoughts about the erratic .ASP activity...don't know if they will help or not, but here they are anyways:

1) Are you in an environment where HP Openview is installed on all your servers? My company is starting to deploy HPOV across the network, and it just about killed our .asp applications. In fact, we had to uninstall it, and restore the web code from backup to recover it.

2) You said that sometimes it just runs, and other times the page just sits there. Are you making database calls, and if so, have you checked the DB connections? If not, have you tried commenting out blocks of .asp code to see if you get the expected results? When all fails, thats what I try to see if I can identify the messed up code.
Thanks imav8n..

HPOV is not present and never been.
My ASP test files don't have database calls, just simple scripts. An example of a simple script is:

myvar = &quot;somevalue&quot;
response.write myvar

This kind of code used not to run, but now it runs 85% of the time..
The only ones that refuse to run at all, are when a SERVER.CREATEOBJECT call exists.
Something is not right with my IIS, and I don't know what it is. The code above that I send to SHADDOW, used to work with me, but now it doesn't.
I have debugging enabled and it breaks in the (.SEND) line, saying ACCESS DENIED.. How to solve this?

Thank you.

C'mon guys, if you know the answer to this problem, please share it, there's quite a few people waiting for it.

Thank you all.

I've instaled in two days 4 W2000 - 2 Professional 1 Advance Server 1 Server with SP2 and no problem with them...

I had lots of problems wend i try to configure Active Directory but i relly don't know what to say...

Maybe others could help you...
Thanks shaddow..

I have made some progress, I found that Norton Anti-Virus was bloking scrits, that's one of it's options, and, it's disabled now, that's why the scripts weren't producing any feedback, Norton was catching them. Now, I get error messages and debug reports, thank god..

Apart from that, I also managed to make the scripts using (scripting.filesystem) object, work, by reresgistering it's DLL.. I also done the same to the CDONTS.DLL and CDOSYS.DLL, to run CDONTS and CDO objects respectively but they still refuse to run, producing a ACCESS DENIED in the debugger, and a HTTP 500.100 access is denied error in the browser.. When accessing databases it also produces a HTTP 500.100 unexpected error..
I have all the permission rights, so I think, and really appreciate any comment or suggestion on the matter.

Ohh, solutions are also accepted.

Thank you all.

What is your part of code responsable with database conections... ________

DB Connection code:
fileDB = Server.MapPath(&quot;db\dbCCJO.mdb&quot;)
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
Conn.Open &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=&quot; & fileDB

The problem is not the code, coz it has been working for some time and the code hasn't change, but, something in IIS or Win2KServer changed and now it does not work..

I am right now uninstalling IIS 5, SP2, and all hotfixes applyed to the system, have also reset system permissions, this is my last attempt, from here I'll go to a formatting and reinstall Windows :-( .. I have lost too much time with it..

DB Connection code:
fileDB = Server.MapPath(&quot;db\dbCCJO.mdb&quot;)
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
Conn.Open &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=&quot; & fileDB

The problem is not the code, coz it has been working for some time and the code hasn't change, but, something in IIS or Win2KServer changed and now it does not work..

I am right now uninstalling IIS 5, SP2, and all hotfixes applyed to the system, have also reset system permissions, this is my last attempt, from here I'll go to a formatting and reinstall Windows :-( .. I have lost too much time with it..

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