We have a Partner ACS 3.0. Three incoming lines, six extensions. We've had the system operating trouble free for over 5 years. In the past week the system has acted erratically: lines will go on hold by them selves, the system will page extensions. When those lines are answered their is no one there. We tried a 60 second re-boot. The local phone company says the lines are fine. Avaya support says that we have a 'false incoming call' and that the problem rests with our local phone company. The local phone company wants to point the finger at our hardware.
The only difference in our system is that we started forwarding a line from a remote office about the time that our problems started. At that time, a line seemed to be in use constantly, picking up and hanging up didn't turn off the light on that line. At the time, the problem seemed to be the phone at extension #11 (A MLS12d), so we unplugged it but the problems returned. Intrestingly these problems appear at random and with no apparent warning. In the morning all three lines will appear to be on hold.
Has anyone experienced similar problems?
Any suggestions?
The only difference in our system is that we started forwarding a line from a remote office about the time that our problems started. At that time, a line seemed to be in use constantly, picking up and hanging up didn't turn off the light on that line. At the time, the problem seemed to be the phone at extension #11 (A MLS12d), so we unplugged it but the problems returned. Intrestingly these problems appear at random and with no apparent warning. In the morning all three lines will appear to be on hold.
Has anyone experienced similar problems?
Any suggestions?