Is it possible to erase files after a certain date using rm?
log061202.log 12-Jun-2002
log061102.log 11-Jun-2002
I want to get rid of all files which are older than 7 days. In this case log061102.log. I can either delete by filename or by timestamp.
I can't see how this can be done using rm as the manual doesnt give any clues. I guess I have to use a perl script?
log061202.log 12-Jun-2002
log061102.log 11-Jun-2002
I want to get rid of all files which are older than 7 days. In this case log061102.log. I can either delete by filename or by timestamp.
I can't see how this can be done using rm as the manual doesnt give any clues. I guess I have to use a perl script?