Having just purchased photoshop, the complexity of the programme is beyond me! i would be grateful if anyone could tell me how i could get rid of fat, wrinkles and acne while editing my photos???
I would suggest that you pick up a book for PS and review it, also look at FAQ229-1853 for tutorials (some may not be valid anymore, I need to re-review those links again) and a for wrinkles, and acne etc, you will want to use the healing tool and the clone stamp tool. Both tools basically copy another section of a selected area you choose and then re-draw it over top of any unwated blemishes. Select the clone stamp and find an area that is similar to that of the blemish if the bemish weren't there then hold ALT and click once then goto the blemish area and commence drawing.
You will see what effect this does after trying it out and it doesn't take long to get the hang of.
I have several books from lynda.com and they are written so anyone can understand them and the lessons are very complete.
Trust me...I am definitely not a 'book learner'...but these books are great!
I use the 'healing brush' tool to get rid of blemishes in photo retouching. It takes practice, but if you experiment with different brushes, opacities, and settings you can do anything.
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