I have created a new thread from your thread702-1516577. Your thread is now really a table design question/s. More importantly for some reason that post does not show up in my "My Replies", and it was getting painfully long.
here is the documentation:
ActionID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
Action01 dbText
Action02 dbText
Action03 dbText
Action04 dbText
Action05 dbText
ActionDescription dbMemo
FailureID_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
ComponentNumber_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
ComponentName dbText
EquipID_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
ParentComponentID dbLong Indexed
EquipID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
EquipName_pk dbText
FunctionalLocation dbText
LineNumber_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
FailureID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
DateofFailure dbDate
TimeofFailure dbText
FailureCategory dbText
PersonID_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
LineNumber_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
EquipID_fk dbLong Indexed
ComponentNumber_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
ActionID_fk dbLong Indexed
LineNumber_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
FunctionalLocation_fk dbText Indexed
PersonID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
Name dbText
Surname dbText
Position dbText
TeamID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
TeamDescription dbMemo
PersonID_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
Name: tblComponentstblFailures
Table: tblComponents
Foreign Table: tblFailures
PK: ComponentNumber_pk FK:ComponentNumber_fk
Name: tblEquipmenttblComponents
Table: tblEquipment
Foreign Table: tblComponents
PK: EquipID_pk FK:EquipID_fk
Name: tblFailurestblAction
Table: tblFailures
Foreign Table: tblAction
PK: FailureID_pk FK:FailureID_fk
Name: tblLinestblEquipment
Table: tblLines
Foreign Table: tblEquipment
PK: LineNumber_pk FK:LineNumber_fk
Name: tblLinestblFailures
Table: tblLines
Foreign Table: tblFailures
PK: LineNumber_pk FK:LineNumber_fk
Name: tblPersontblFailures
Table: tblPerson
Foreign Table: tblFailures
PK: PersonID_pk FKersonID_fk
Name: tblPersontblTeamMembers
Table: tblPerson
Foreign Table: tblTeamMembers
PK: PersonID_pk FKersonID_fk
I have created a new thread from your thread702-1516577. Your thread is now really a table design question/s. More importantly for some reason that post does not show up in my "My Replies", and it was getting painfully long.
here is the documentation:
ActionID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
Action01 dbText
Action02 dbText
Action03 dbText
Action04 dbText
Action05 dbText
ActionDescription dbMemo
FailureID_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
ComponentNumber_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
ComponentName dbText
EquipID_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
ParentComponentID dbLong Indexed
EquipID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
EquipName_pk dbText
FunctionalLocation dbText
LineNumber_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
FailureID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
DateofFailure dbDate
TimeofFailure dbText
FailureCategory dbText
PersonID_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
LineNumber_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
EquipID_fk dbLong Indexed
ComponentNumber_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
ActionID_fk dbLong Indexed
LineNumber_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
FunctionalLocation_fk dbText Indexed
PersonID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
Name dbText
Surname dbText
Position dbText
TeamID_pk dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
TeamDescription dbMemo
PersonID_fk dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
Name: tblComponentstblFailures
Table: tblComponents
Foreign Table: tblFailures
PK: ComponentNumber_pk FK:ComponentNumber_fk
Name: tblEquipmenttblComponents
Table: tblEquipment
Foreign Table: tblComponents
PK: EquipID_pk FK:EquipID_fk
Name: tblFailurestblAction
Table: tblFailures
Foreign Table: tblAction
PK: FailureID_pk FK:FailureID_fk
Name: tblLinestblEquipment
Table: tblLines
Foreign Table: tblEquipment
PK: LineNumber_pk FK:LineNumber_fk
Name: tblLinestblFailures
Table: tblLines
Foreign Table: tblFailures
PK: LineNumber_pk FK:LineNumber_fk
Name: tblPersontblFailures
Table: tblPerson
Foreign Table: tblFailures
PK: PersonID_pk FKersonID_fk
Name: tblPersontblTeamMembers
Table: tblPerson
Foreign Table: tblTeamMembers
PK: PersonID_pk FKersonID_fk