Technical User
Small operation running aloha 6.2 switched to hand written tickets for a few months. Now they are ready to begin using system to generate kitchen chits. Test page prints fine on kitchen printer when connected from serial interface to jack via blue cat5. Orders do not print at all. If the kitchen printer (named Hot in maintenance, hardware, printers ) is connected to the cat 5 running to either thermal Epson TM88 it functions perfectly fine to print guest checks and credit card slips. If the printer Hot is rerouted to Terminal 1 or 2 the kitchen chits for the entire day begin printing from the first order of the day and on and on. The Aloha system is sending the kitchen chits out to print but they are never arriving at the remote connection in the kitchen. If the orders are rerouted to terminal 1 or 2 they print perfectly fine on either the Epson thermal prints or the Epson impact U220. Obviously this not an issue were a selection is incorrectly checked or flagged in the system or hardware setup ??? Correct ??? I believe that there must be some corruption in the cat5 line from terminal 2 that runs under a floor drop and to the jack box on kitchen wall ??? Any ideas or any way to attempt to force a print from either FOH terminal or the BOH PC to the kitchen printer ??? All ideas appreciated. Running out of ideas for my client. Thank You