I just added support for VirusScan Enterprise 7.1 to one of our older ePO servers v2.5.0.168 (installed the package into the repository using the VSE710.NAP). When I tried to add what I assume is the McAfee AutoUpdate v7.1 package (cmu311.nap) I get the following, "Software package already installed. Do you want to overwrite?"
I already have VSE7 and McAfee AutoUpdate v7.0(cmu300.nap)loaded on this ePO server. I'm assuming that the McAfee AutoUpdate v7.0 policy package will work with VSE7.1. or I wouldn't be getting the message above. Should I go ahead and let cmu311.nap overwrite the existing package? Any explanations on what is going on here would be appreciated. I need to know before I try to addd v7.1 support to our corporate ePO box (
I already have VSE7 and McAfee AutoUpdate v7.0(cmu300.nap)loaded on this ePO server. I'm assuming that the McAfee AutoUpdate v7.0 policy package will work with VSE7.1. or I wouldn't be getting the message above. Should I go ahead and let cmu311.nap overwrite the existing package? Any explanations on what is going on here would be appreciated. I need to know before I try to addd v7.1 support to our corporate ePO box (