I am trying to open a Text file ( Notepad) with Open / Input and Output commands.<br>The text file contains a series of comma delinated words that will be then stored in a datastructure before ammending the data and saving back out to a text file.<br>Unfortunatly, although this worked once I now cannot open the text file without receiving a "input past EOF" error message.<br>I cannot resolve this issue and must use the existing structures and text files. For college assessment.<br>Can anyone advise me what to do next. <br>Enclosed copy of appropriate code.<br>Thnaks in advance.<br><br><br><br>Private Sub mnuOpenFile_Click()<br><br>Dim filesaved, fileedited As Boolean<br>Dim index As Integer<br>Dim filenumber As Integer<br>Dim reg, stats As String<br>Dim ctype As Integer<br>Dim premiles As Long<br>Dim serv As String<br><br>cdlgBox.InitDir = App.Path<br>cdlgBox.Filter = "textFiles(*.txt)¦*.txt¦AllFiles(*.*)¦*.*"<br>cdlgBox.FilterIndex = 1<br>cdlgBox.ShowOpen<br><br>filenumber = FreeFile<br>Open cdlgBox.filename For Input As #filenumber<br>index = 0<br><br>Do Until ((EOF(1) = True) And (index < max))<br>index = index + 1<br>With CarList.Cars(index)<br><br>Input #filenumber, .CarReg, .CarType, .LastService, .PreviousMileage, .Status 'reg, ctype, serv, premiles, stats<br>End With<br>Loop<br>Close #filenumber<br>CarList.CarCount = index<br><br>filesaved = False<br> fileedited = False<br> <br> If CarList.CarCount > max Then<br> MsgBox "Car List is Full"<br> End If<br><br> <br> End Sub<br>