I have a search form that uses the selection from a combo box to populate text boxes on a form. When I try to update a text box (field in db), I get an eof/bof error. I try to use the old; if rs.eof = true then
end if
even when the recordset is opened with the following
rs.Open Ssql, strcnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
It basically ignores my eof/bof error trap or gives me an error that says the provider doesn't allow this. I could do this with DAO but I am now trying to do everything in ADO.
Any help would be appreciated. I can't believe I couldn't find anyone else with a similar problem, I did a pretty good search and couldn't find anything here on this. aspvbwannab
end if
even when the recordset is opened with the following
rs.Open Ssql, strcnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
It basically ignores my eof/bof error trap or gives me an error that says the provider doesn't allow this. I could do this with DAO but I am now trying to do everything in ADO.
Any help would be appreciated. I can't believe I couldn't find anyone else with a similar problem, I did a pretty good search and couldn't find anything here on this. aspvbwannab