Hi All,
I'm working on a project implementing a terminal server for remote access at a customer. they have an application which uses the enviromnet variable $station to run, this is currently and individual 2digit number with a corresponding folder in a network share. this is set as a system variable on all the workstations and must be individual. On the terminal server i want to set the variable to a 3digit number which is automatically assigned as users log on and for the number to be the same if the user logs on again ... I think that i want a CSV file which stores usernames with a corresponding ID, and i need a way of finding what the next avaialble ID is for when a new user logs on.
i have this script
which i wrote for setting the ID and a couple of other bits on the workstation but need help with the file read/write part.
please help
I'm working on a project implementing a terminal server for remote access at a customer. they have an application which uses the enviromnet variable $station to run, this is currently and individual 2digit number with a corresponding folder in a network share. this is set as a system variable on all the workstations and must be individual. On the terminal server i want to set the variable to a 3digit number which is automatically assigned as users log on and for the number to be the same if the user logs on again ... I think that i want a CSV file which stores usernames with a corresponding ID, and i need a way of finding what the next avaialble ID is for when a new user logs on.
i have this script
On Error Resume Next
Dim shell, sysEnv, jsPath, vPath, StationID, sUserpath
StationID = InputBox("Enter The Desired $Station ID For This PC","Set Parameter")
set shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
set sysEnv = shell.Environment("SYSTEM")
jsPath = "J:/Jobshop;j:\jobshop\dc;"
vPath = SysEnv("path")
if not instr(Lcase(vPath),"j:\jobshop") then
vPath = jsPath + vPath
SysEnv("path") = vPath
End if
If StationID <> "" Then
' wscript.echo StationID
SysEnv("$station") = StationID
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
sUserPath = "J:\Jobshop\users\" & StationID & "\"
If not fso.folderexists(sUserPath) then
fso.createfolder sUserPath
'wscript.echo "folder created"
end if
if not fso.fileexists("C:\documents and settings\all users\desktop\JOBSHOP.LNK") then
fso.copyfile "JOBSHOP.LNK", "C:\documents and settings\all users\desktop\JOBSHOP.LNK", TRUE
End If
msgbox "Installation Process Complete"
wscript.echo "Invalid Station Number"
End If
set fso = nothing
set shell = nothing
which i wrote for setting the ID and a couple of other bits on the workstation but need help with the file read/write part.
please help