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Enumerating NT4 users in LDAP groups

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Jun 10, 2003
How can I enumerate WinNT domain user and/or group members in an LDAP group object?

The problem I have is that when I try the above, I loop through the members of an LDAP group, and when I get to a WinNT domain object (user or group), the name of the object is displaying as the SID instead of the actual (canonical) name of the object itself. If I view the group via ADUC, it shows up fine.

- there's two domains LDAPdomain1 (an Active Directory domain), and WinNTdomain2 (a WinNT domain)
- there's a group LDAPdomain1\group1 which has members:
- LDAPdomain1\user1
- WinNTdomain2\user2
- WinNTdomain2\group2

Usually I'd use the following code to enumerate NT4 domain users:
Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://WinNTdomain2/user2,user")

and the following for dealing with LDAP groups:
Set objGroup = GetObject ("LDAP://cn=group1,ou=...,dc=LDAPdomain1,...")
For Each objMember In objGroup.members
WScript.Echo "MEMBER: " & objMember.name
WScript.Echo "Canonical name: " & objMember.canonicalName

NOTE: the 'canonical name' used in the code above is always blank, regardless of whether the object is LDAP or WinNT. Am I using the wrong property name? It's not generating an error, so it appears to be valid, but not populated.

And this works fine for LDAP members (user and/or groups) but when a WinNT domain user or group comes along, the result is not the actual user or group name, but a SID, which seems to come from the foreign security principal. eg: instead of displaying the name 'user2' when it's processing WinNTdomain2\user2, it displays CN=S-1-2-34-5678901234-5678901234-5678901234-56789. However, note that when I view the group LDAPdomain1\group1 in ADUC, it displays fine (ie: I can see the member inside the group; the header bar when I double click the WinNT object iself still shows up as the SID, but the canonical name on the Object tab shows up correctly).
Where are you running this script? I am asking because if the machine from which you are running this script cannot resolve both domains from DNS/WINS, then it will only resolved sids to names for users in your domain.

Just as a quick test, try to ping both domains from the machine that you are running the scripts from.
The domains can both be resolved fine. I can access both domains fine, just not the NT4 objects embedded in LDAP objects (ie: when they're group members).
you can use the WinNT provider to return any AD or NTDomain user group membershipt info.

sounds like youhave a security setting in the way or a replication problem
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