The tblAttendance has the following fields...
AttendanceID (Auto number, PK)
MemberID (number, linked to tblMembers)
MeetingDate (date)
Present (Yes/No)
HoursSpent (number)
MakeupID (number, linked to tblMakeups)
MeetingTypeID (number, linked to tblMeetingType)
The value of MeetingTypeID can either be 1 for a Regular Meeting, or 2 for a MakeupMeeting.
In this case we are only interested in MeetingTypeID = 1
In frmAttendance, the user selects a member from a multi-select list box called lstMembers. A date is entered in a text box called txtMeetingDate.
When the user presses the Post command button, the number of members chosen shows so the number can be verified. If so, posting continues.
This is the entire code behind the Post button. I have put the relevant posting piece in bold.
This looks correct to me. So why isn't it working?
It worked until today, when I further normalized tblAttendance, changing the former MeetingType (a text field with a value of either "Regular Meeting" or "Makeup Activity") to MeetingTypeID (a number field with a value of either 1 or 2).
Can anyone spot the glitch? I've looked at it and looked at it and am a little bleary-eyed.
AttendanceID (Auto number, PK)
MemberID (number, linked to tblMembers)
MeetingDate (date)
Present (Yes/No)
HoursSpent (number)
MakeupID (number, linked to tblMakeups)
MeetingTypeID (number, linked to tblMeetingType)
The value of MeetingTypeID can either be 1 for a Regular Meeting, or 2 for a MakeupMeeting.
In this case we are only interested in MeetingTypeID = 1
In frmAttendance, the user selects a member from a multi-select list box called lstMembers. A date is entered in a text box called txtMeetingDate.
When the user presses the Post command button, the number of members chosen shows so the number can be verified. If so, posting continues.
This is the entire code behind the Post button. I have put the relevant posting piece in bold.
Private Sub cmdPost_Click()
Dim sql As String
Dim ndx As Integer
On Error GoTo cmdPost_Click_Error
If Me.txtCountPosted = 0 Then
Call MsgBox("Please select 1 or more names for posting.", vbExclamation, "Select name(s)")
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNull(Me.txtMeetingDate) Then
Call MsgBox("Please select a Meeting Date from the Calendar!", vbExclamation, "Meeting Date needed")
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case MsgBox(" You have selected " & Me.txtCountPosted & " Members" _
& vbCrLf & " for Attendance posting." _
& vbCrLf & "Do you wish to continue with posting?" _
, vbYesNo Or vbExclamation Or vbDefaultButton1, "Posting check")
Case vbYes
GoTo PostingProcedure
Case vbNo
Call MsgBox("Posting will be cancelled.", vbExclamation Or vbDefaultButton1, "Cancelling posting")
Call cmdCancel_Click
Exit Sub
End Select
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
For ndx = 0 To Me.lstMembers.ListCount - 1
If Me.lstMembers.Selected(ndx) Then
sql = "INSERT INTO tblAttendance(MemberID, MeetingDate, Present, MeetingTypeID) VALUES (" & _
Me.lstMembers.ItemData(ndx) & ", #" & Me.txtMeetingDate & "#,True,1)"
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
End If
Next ndx
DoCmd.SetWarnings True[/b]
Call cmdCancel_Click
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure cmdPost_Click of VBA Document Form_frmAttendance"
End Sub
This looks correct to me. So why isn't it working?
It worked until today, when I further normalized tblAttendance, changing the former MeetingType (a text field with a value of either "Regular Meeting" or "Makeup Activity") to MeetingTypeID (a number field with a value of either 1 or 2).
Can anyone spot the glitch? I've looked at it and looked at it and am a little bleary-eyed.