Technical User
ok so on tuesday the entire wireless network crashed. this includes every wireless device we have (2 cisco 1400 bridges, 30 cisco 1200 series IOS AP's, and a WLSE). By the time we found out, it was to late to catch much information but i can tell you that I was unable to get into the consoles on the few that i could reach. they all came back up after rebooting too, but syslog, and device logging found nothing. then in the middle of the night on the 6th -> 7th it happened again. I got a better shot at it this time. it looked like 3 ap's attached to a single switch went, followed shortly after by four AP's attached to another switch. and then within an hour the entire wireless network was done and I was on a warehouse roof at 3am rebooting bridges. Odd thing is that nothing else was having issues. it was only the wireless devices. I can't think of a single thing that might do that. Anyone got any ideas what the heck is going on?