You could use SDSF in batch to do it...or if you just want to find out if a certain job is running or not you could go diving down the control blocks in REXX to do it...or you could use the status command to do it.
/* rexx */
arg parm
tsom = outtrap(jobst.)
address tso "status "parm
tsom = outtrap('off')
actflg = 0
jj = 0
do i=1 to jobst.0
activ = index(jobst.i,'EXECUTING')
if activ <> 0 then do
jobn = word(jobst.i,3)
jobnl = pos('(',jobn)
jobn = substr(jobn,1,jobnl-1)
say jobn 'active'
jj = jj+1
job.jj = jobn
actflg = 1
When you say "MVS command" I presume you mean "JES command".
First, you must have the authority to issue such a command.
Second, you must issue the command in the proper environment, probably CONSOLE:
address CONSOLE
"D A,L"
Third, recovering the results of such a command depends heavily on how those results are returned (if at all). Some software is written to return its data via the stack; others are not. You may have to do considerable experimenting.
Frank Clarke
Tampa Area REXX Programmers' Alliance
REXX Language Assn Listmaster
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