Hi, I have a database (Access 97) in which the user inputs data into a form and hits the print button and it prints a report for the record they are on (using a macro). Everything was working fine with the user opening each form individually and printing. I then decided to group all the forms into only 2 forms (one for Pipelines and one for Facilities) using the tab control. I revised the macros so that they now go to the Pipelines Applications/Facility Applications where:
[MainTable]![Requisition#]=[Forms]![Facility Applications]!
[Requisition#] or
[MainTable]![Requisition#]=[Forms]![Pipeline Applications]!
All of the forms in Facility Applications print fine.
But, in the Pipeline Applications when you hit print, a box
comes up saying Enter Parameter Value Forms!Pipeline
I have checked all the properties in both sets of forms and unless I am missing something - they are exactly the same. The print macros also all seem to be the same.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!