Hello all,
Can someone help with this I am trying to prompt user to enter to number example 901- 910 and then print screen area to file enter next number (2. 46) and print again.
Here is the code so far.
Thanks for any help.
'Declare our global variables for Aircraft
Global g_StartAC as String
Global g_StopAC as String
Global g_bSuccess as Integer
'Declare the Dialog Box function
Declare Function AircraftDialog()
' Define constants
Const TRUE = -1
Const FALSE = 0
Function findAC()
Dim StartAC As Double
Dim StopAC As Double
StartAC = InputBox("Enter Start A/C", "Enter a Number")
StopAC = InputBox("Enter Stop A/C", "Enter a Number")
End Function
Sub main
' Get the necessary Session Object
Dim System As Object, Sess As Object, MyScreen As Object
Set System = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
Set Sess = System.ActiveSession
Set MyScreen = Sess.Screen
Sess.Screen.MoveTo 2, 46
Sess.Screen.SendKeys g_StartAC + "<Enter>"
MyFile = "C:\print.txt"
Open MyFile For Append As #1
For i = 6 To 18
MyArea = MyScreen.GetString(i, 1, 80)
Print #1, MyArea
Close #1
Do: Loop Until StartAC = StopAC
MsgBox "Your done"
End sub
Can someone help with this I am trying to prompt user to enter to number example 901- 910 and then print screen area to file enter next number (2. 46) and print again.
Here is the code so far.
Thanks for any help.
'Declare our global variables for Aircraft
Global g_StartAC as String
Global g_StopAC as String
Global g_bSuccess as Integer
'Declare the Dialog Box function
Declare Function AircraftDialog()
' Define constants
Const TRUE = -1
Const FALSE = 0
Function findAC()
Dim StartAC As Double
Dim StopAC As Double
StartAC = InputBox("Enter Start A/C", "Enter a Number")
StopAC = InputBox("Enter Stop A/C", "Enter a Number")
End Function
Sub main
' Get the necessary Session Object
Dim System As Object, Sess As Object, MyScreen As Object
Set System = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
Set Sess = System.ActiveSession
Set MyScreen = Sess.Screen
Sess.Screen.MoveTo 2, 46
Sess.Screen.SendKeys g_StartAC + "<Enter>"
MyFile = "C:\print.txt"
Open MyFile For Append As #1
For i = 6 To 18
MyArea = MyScreen.GetString(i, 1, 80)
Print #1, MyArea
Close #1
Do: Loop Until StartAC = StopAC
MsgBox "Your done"
End sub