I have a text box bound to a memo field. In the GotFocus event I set the SelStart and SelLength properties to false and the EnterKeyBehavior to Add New Line.
When I click in the text box, then press Ctrl+End, I move to the end of the text. So far, so good. But, regardless of whether I use Enter or Ctrl+Enter to add a new line (vbcrlf), a good portion of the text is deleted and my cursor moves to the top of the remaining text. Of course, the Escape key brings back the missing text but it's pretty scary.
When I click in the text box, then press Ctrl+End, I move to the end of the text. So far, so good. But, regardless of whether I use Enter or Ctrl+Enter to add a new line (vbcrlf), a good portion of the text is deleted and my cursor moves to the top of the remaining text. Of course, the Escape key brings back the missing text but it's pretty scary.