I am trying to set up an 'English Query' interface in ASP
to my SQL server. All of the articles I have found are brief and refer to the same bit of script. The script always calls a couple of procedures called DoSQLCommand, and DoClarification. Both of these scripts are described as 'available in \Program Files\Microsoft English Query\EQProjects\Web Pages\Common.inc)'. I have been unable to find them on my server!
If anybody has them could they email me them please or make them available on this site?
Roy Matthews
I am trying to set up an 'English Query' interface in ASP
to my SQL server. All of the articles I have found are brief and refer to the same bit of script. The script always calls a couple of procedures called DoSQLCommand, and DoClarification. Both of these scripts are described as 'available in \Program Files\Microsoft English Query\EQProjects\Web Pages\Common.inc)'. I have been unable to find them on my server!
If anybody has them could they email me them please or make them available on this site?
Roy Matthews