I have the following problem;
I have a html page which send values to an asp-page.
The prob is that is sends information from type="text" and from type="file". As I am uploading this file using a dll, I need to specify in the form tag of my html-page the following code : enctype="multipart/form-data" .
When using this, only the upload file is sent to the asp page and not the text data....
Furthermore when I use : enctype="multipart/form-data;text/plain" everything seems ok in IE, but Netscape is flipping on this kind of combinations....
Who is familiar with this kind of probs ?
Please help me out then
Thanks in advance
I have the following problem;
I have a html page which send values to an asp-page.
The prob is that is sends information from type="text" and from type="file". As I am uploading this file using a dll, I need to specify in the form tag of my html-page the following code : enctype="multipart/form-data" .
When using this, only the upload file is sent to the asp page and not the text data....
Furthermore when I use : enctype="multipart/form-data;text/plain" everything seems ok in IE, but Netscape is flipping on this kind of combinations....
Who is familiar with this kind of probs ?
Please help me out then
Thanks in advance