please could you help me i have a file :
Listing 1
.model small
.stack 100h
buffer db 100 dup(0)
entry db "Welcome to simple edit program",0ah,0ah,'$'
enter db "Please enter character - ESC to leave",0ah,0dh,'$'
endit db "Terminate the program",0ah,0dh,'$'
; A marco for printing messages..
mdisplay macro string
push ax ;push ax onto the stack
push dx ;same for dx
mov ah,9 ;service 9 (drint a string).
mov dx,offset string ;the string to print
int 21h ;do it!
pop dx ;pop dx off stack
pop ax ;pop ax off stack
; to end the marco..
main proc near
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mdisplay entry
mov bx,offset buffer
mdisplay enter
call readkey ;read a key value
call dispch ;echo to screen
mov byte ptr[bx],al ;store in buffer
inc bx ; increment buffer pointer
.until (bx == offset buffer+100 || [bx-1]==1bh)
mdisplay endit
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
main endp
readkey proc near
mov ah,0
int 16h
readkey endp
dispch proc near
push bx
mov bx,0
mov ah,14
int 10h
pop bx
dispch endp
I need to modify the above program in order to encrypt text entered using a key someting like the following:
.model small
.stack 100h
XORVAL = 111 ;could be any value between 0-255
main proc near
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax ;don't really need access to data segment.
mov ah,6 ;direct console input
mov dl,0ffh ;don't wait for character (coming from a file).
int 21h ;will return character in AL.
jz L2 ;quit reading if zero (ZF=1) since EOF.
xor al,XORVAL ;encrypt the data with our key.
mov ah,2 ;write data to output.
mov dl,al ;wants to see data in dl.
int 21h ;do it!
jmp L1 ;if it gets to here jump back to L1 and repeat.
mov ax,4c00h ;get ready to quit program and return to DOS.
int 21h ;teminate the program here.
main endp
but this only encrypts from a file if you enter at the dos prompt "test < plain > coded" using the aside program
any ideas?
Listing 1
.model small
.stack 100h
buffer db 100 dup(0)
entry db "Welcome to simple edit program",0ah,0ah,'$'
enter db "Please enter character - ESC to leave",0ah,0dh,'$'
endit db "Terminate the program",0ah,0dh,'$'
; A marco for printing messages..
mdisplay macro string
push ax ;push ax onto the stack
push dx ;same for dx
mov ah,9 ;service 9 (drint a string).
mov dx,offset string ;the string to print
int 21h ;do it!
pop dx ;pop dx off stack
pop ax ;pop ax off stack
; to end the marco..
main proc near
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mdisplay entry
mov bx,offset buffer
mdisplay enter
call readkey ;read a key value
call dispch ;echo to screen
mov byte ptr[bx],al ;store in buffer
inc bx ; increment buffer pointer
.until (bx == offset buffer+100 || [bx-1]==1bh)
mdisplay endit
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
main endp
readkey proc near
mov ah,0
int 16h
readkey endp
dispch proc near
push bx
mov bx,0
mov ah,14
int 10h
pop bx
dispch endp
I need to modify the above program in order to encrypt text entered using a key someting like the following:
.model small
.stack 100h
XORVAL = 111 ;could be any value between 0-255
main proc near
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax ;don't really need access to data segment.
mov ah,6 ;direct console input
mov dl,0ffh ;don't wait for character (coming from a file).
int 21h ;will return character in AL.
jz L2 ;quit reading if zero (ZF=1) since EOF.
xor al,XORVAL ;encrypt the data with our key.
mov ah,2 ;write data to output.
mov dl,al ;wants to see data in dl.
int 21h ;do it!
jmp L1 ;if it gets to here jump back to L1 and repeat.
mov ax,4c00h ;get ready to quit program and return to DOS.
int 21h ;teminate the program here.
main endp
but this only encrypts from a file if you enter at the dos prompt "test < plain > coded" using the aside program
any ideas?