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Encrypting and savinc in registry

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Jan 19, 2003
Hello Everyone,

I would appreciate if someone could help me what I am trying to achieve. I want to build a small application for my company which encrypts the connection string and saves it into registry. Later on I would like to fetch the encrypted connection string decrypt and use it for the connection.

I found a nice article on MSDN but that is specific to .NET and I am looking for VB 6.0 and ASP. Please note no .NET at all.

How encrypted do you want the connection string to be?
Here's a couple of simple encryption/decryption functions if you don't need anything fancy.
Function fDecrypt(ByVal strKey As String, ByVal strInput As String) As String
    '--- Decrypts a string encrypted by fEncrypt

    '--- Parameters
    'strKey: the private key used to encrypt the string
    'strInput: the encrypted string to decrypt

    Dim intC1 As Integer
    Dim lngKey As Long
    Dim aintRVal() As Integer
    Dim intTemp As Integer
    If strKey = vbNullString Or _
    strInput = vbNullString Then Exit Function
    'Generate the encryption key value from strKey
    For intC1 = 1 To Len(strKey)
        lngKey = lngKey + Asc(Mid$(strKey, intC1, 1))
    'Seed the randomizer
    Rnd (-1)
    Randomize lngKey
    'Generate a series of random numbers between
    '32 and 159 for the chars in strInput
    ReDim aintRVal(1 To Len(strInput))
    For intC1 = 1 To Len(strInput)
        aintRVal(intC1) = ((Rnd() * 127) + 1) Mod 223 + 32
    'Decrypt strInput
    For intC1 = 1 To Len(strInput)
        intTemp = ((Asc(Mid$(strInput, intC1, 1)) - aintRVal(intC1)) Mod 223) - 32
        If intTemp < 0 Then intTemp = intTemp + 223
        fDecrypt = fDecrypt & Chr$(intTemp)
End Function

Public Function fEncrypt(ByVal strKey As String, ByVal strInput As String) As String
    '--- Encrypts a string

    '--- Parameters
    'strKey: the private key used to encrypt the string
    'strInput: the string to encrypt

    Dim intC1 As Integer
    Dim lngKey As Long
    Dim aintRVal() As Integer
    If strKey = vbNullString Or _
    strInput = vbNullString Then Exit Function
    'Generate the encryption key value from strKey
    For intC1 = 1 To Len(strKey)
        lngKey = lngKey + Asc(Mid$(strKey, intC1, 1))
    'Seed the randomizer
    Rnd (-1)
    Randomize lngKey
    'Generate a series of random numbers between
    '32 and 159 for the chars in strInput
    ReDim aintRVal(1 To Len(strInput))
    For intC1 = 1 To Len(strInput)
        aintRVal(intC1) = ((Rnd() * 127) + 1) Mod 223 + 32
    'Encrypt strInput
    For intC1 = 1 To Len(strInput)
        fEncrypt = fEncrypt & _
        Chr$(((Asc(Mid$(strInput, intC1, 1)) + aintRVal(intC1)) Mod 223) + 32)
End Function
There are numerous examples of using the registry API functions if you search this forum or Google.

Paul Bent
Northwind IT Systems
How encrypted? I think I want the string to be secure enough so that no one can hack :) ... I know its microsoft but ... Well my intention is really making the application secure. Honestly, I do not know how much encryted can one make it.
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