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Encoding data securely 1

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May 2, 2007
Hi, i'm coming from a php background where everytime i posted a variable back to the server i would wrap in a function before passing into my sql statement. This allowed me do a replacement for html entities and also a mysql fix to avoid sql injections.

With asp.net if i use parameters i avoid any sql injections but i still have problems with html entities.

Say in the edit profile area of my site i have a formview which uses 2 way databinding and contains a textbox for the user's first name. Then say i wrap the value (when posted back) with Server.HtmlEncode before updating the value in the database. If the user entered <a test the next time the user edits their profile it says &lt;a test since the textbox control also does its own encoding. I could decode the value before binding it within my textbox but this is a very hacky solution.

My next idea was not to encode the text at all in the database and instead only encode the text where it is outputted on the site. This seems to work but i'm not sure if this is secure enough since i would have to remember to encode the data everytime i display it.

I'm sure people have had similar problems and i would really really appreciate your solution. Thanks
We have database functions that strip any HTML. Also, I have written RegEx functions to strip any HTML before saving to the DB.
you can also use [tt]HttpContext.Current.Server.HTMLEncode[/tt] to encode an potential scripting tags before assigning the value to a variable.

Jason Meckley
Specialty Bakers, Inc.
Hi, so are you saying i should definately encode before inserting into the database. If so then how would i accomplish 2 way databinding?
Are you saying you want any HTML tags to be encoded/safe when displaying the text in a Label or something, but decoded when you display the text in a TextBox?

Since you want to perform a transformation on the data to display in certain views, the presentation layer might be the most appropriate choice to code your solution.

What I'd do is create a special TextBox:

//NOTE: uncompiled, untested code.
public class DecodeTextBox : TextBox
   public overrride string Text
      get{ return Server.HtmlDecode( base.Text ); }
      set{ base.Text = Server.HtmlEncode( value ); }

MCP, MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
Hi cheers, i just played around with this idea but the Text property of the TextBox control is already encoded and however hard i tried i would not decode. Also i noticed alot of other controls encode data for you such as the drop down list and the grid view. Therefore by storing the data in the database encoded caused problems since i was getting double encoding. It appears the only way is to encode on display unless i override every single control.

Appreciate if someone could tell me if there is a better solution. Thanks
Here's an alternate approach that will probably accomplish what you want.

How about a business object that exposes a safe version of the data? Using an ObjectDataSource, you should still be able to use two-way binding after writing the proper data access logic, but you also have the ability to have a Label or other display control bind to a property that has a safe version of the stored data.

public class MyObject
    private string _text;

    public string Text
         get{ return _text; }
         set{ _text = value;

    public string SafeText
         get{ return HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode( Text );

    //add other properties for you entity here

    //add data access code here which will let you bind
    //to an ObjectDataSource.

Alternately, you can have a SafeLabel instead of the TextBox:

public class SafeLabel: Label
   public overrride string Text
      get{ return base.Text; }
      set{ base.Text = Server.HtmlEncode( value ); }

MCP, MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
Hi cheers boulderbum, since i already am using a business logic layer i think i will go for your first option.

Thanks again.
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