I have a problem when trying to use the crystal 7 and the web reporting. I have a report that contains 4 sub reports that are linked to an input parameter which I pass in in a URL.
When you try and display the report using the report server from a URL, you get an "Encapsulated Page Fault" which I have tracked down to the Crystal Reports Knowledge base article c2005185.
So I can see what the problem is, but I've got loads of reports (about 130) that are designed which *MAY* bring up this problem.
We've not previously been able to test them on the web because I've not been given access... and then we didn't have crystal reports server installed on the machine... (don't ask)
So is there a utility that I can get that will allow me to modify the "internal name" of the reports or to get round this problem without having to re-write the report ?!
I have a problem when trying to use the crystal 7 and the web reporting. I have a report that contains 4 sub reports that are linked to an input parameter which I pass in in a URL.
When you try and display the report using the report server from a URL, you get an "Encapsulated Page Fault" which I have tracked down to the Crystal Reports Knowledge base article c2005185.
So I can see what the problem is, but I've got loads of reports (about 130) that are designed which *MAY* bring up this problem.
We've not previously been able to test them on the web because I've not been given access... and then we didn't have crystal reports server installed on the machine... (don't ask)
So is there a utility that I can get that will allow me to modify the "internal name" of the reports or to get round this problem without having to re-write the report ?!