Has anyone created a Trusted Applet that would allow Java code to execute around the Sand Box security? Here is an example I found, but I do not know where to the Microsoft or Netscape packages to do this? Has anyone worked with something like this? My users are running on an our company Intranet and we would like to get the system properties of the machine they are running the applet on. For ex. the computer user name.
/* class SignedParm2 displays in textarea the system parameters.
designed to run as signed applet in both Communicator 4+ and IE4+
web browsers. Since the applet runs it's privileged method in
the init() method, IE code must explicitly assert permissions here.
M. Gallant 11/04/1999
import*; //* microsoft package
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import* ;
import java.util.*;
import; //* netscape pk
public class SignedParm2 extends Applet {
FontMetrics fm;
int xtab, ystep ;
String nl ; // new line character
String[] graphString = new String[20] ;
int strings = 0;
TextArea ta = new TextArea (25, 80);
public void init() {
try {
if (Class.forName("" != null) { // required for IE
catch (Throwable cnfe) {
this.setBackground(new Color(192,192,192)) ;
add(ta) ;
PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalPropertyWrite" ; // required for NN
catch(Exception cnfe) {
System.out.println(" class not found" ;
Properties sysprops = System.getProperties() ;
Enumeration enprop = sysprops.propertyNames() ;
String str = "" ;
ta.setText("" ;
while ( enprop.hasMoreElements() ) {
String key = (String) enprop.nextElement() ;
// System.out.println(key+"\t"+sysprops.getProperty(key));
str = key+"\t"+sysprops.getProperty(key) ;
ta.append(str + "\n"
// PrivilegeManager.disablePrivilege("UniversalPropertyWrite" ;
Thanks, Brian
/* class SignedParm2 displays in textarea the system parameters.
designed to run as signed applet in both Communicator 4+ and IE4+
web browsers. Since the applet runs it's privileged method in
the init() method, IE code must explicitly assert permissions here.
M. Gallant 11/04/1999
import*; //* microsoft package
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import* ;
import java.util.*;
import; //* netscape pk
public class SignedParm2 extends Applet {
FontMetrics fm;
int xtab, ystep ;
String nl ; // new line character
String[] graphString = new String[20] ;
int strings = 0;
TextArea ta = new TextArea (25, 80);
public void init() {
try {
if (Class.forName("" != null) { // required for IE
catch (Throwable cnfe) {
this.setBackground(new Color(192,192,192)) ;
add(ta) ;
PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalPropertyWrite" ; // required for NN
catch(Exception cnfe) {
System.out.println(" class not found" ;
Properties sysprops = System.getProperties() ;
Enumeration enprop = sysprops.propertyNames() ;
String str = "" ;
ta.setText("" ;
while ( enprop.hasMoreElements() ) {
String key = (String) enprop.nextElement() ;
// System.out.println(key+"\t"+sysprops.getProperty(key));
str = key+"\t"+sysprops.getProperty(key) ;
ta.append(str + "\n"
// PrivilegeManager.disablePrivilege("UniversalPropertyWrite" ;
Thanks, Brian