Hello all,
Is it my imagination or are the employment websites getting a little ridiculous?
Today, I went to update my resume at various sites and found the following:
Monster.com - resume not activated and email address missing
Careerbuilder.com - Edited my resume and the edit date is 1969, I have to upgrade to get this corrected?
Phillyjobs.com - Profile missing completely
Flipdog.com - Where to start with the list of issues?
Is it my imagination or are job seeker expected to pay some 'hidden' cost to post their resume AND receive this type of customer service?
Thank you for letting me vent! And still looking for a job.
Robert Kochis
Is it my imagination or are the employment websites getting a little ridiculous?
Today, I went to update my resume at various sites and found the following:
Monster.com - resume not activated and email address missing
Careerbuilder.com - Edited my resume and the edit date is 1969, I have to upgrade to get this corrected?
Phillyjobs.com - Profile missing completely
Flipdog.com - Where to start with the list of issues?
Is it my imagination or are job seeker expected to pay some 'hidden' cost to post their resume AND receive this type of customer service?
Thank you for letting me vent! And still looking for a job.
Robert Kochis