- Nov 26, 2011
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I need to execute an app after the below script needs to quit. I dont know enough about VB script to do that:
I need to execute "C:\Program Files (x86)\Promixis\Girder\60hz.exe"
Here's the script:
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
If objArgs.Count < 10 Then
MsgBox "Bad argument count !", MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
' the configuration has not changed
WScript.Quit 1
End If
eventName = objArgs(0)
mediaType = objArgs(1)
soundMode = objArgs(2)
currentMonitor = objArgs(3)
totalMonitorCount = objArgs(4)
currentResolution = objArgs(5)
currentRefreshRate = objArgs(6)
originalPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(7)
currentPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(8)
currentMediaFile = objArgs(9)
' If you need to debug, replace false with true in the following line
If false Then
MsgBox _
eventName & " " & _
mediaType & " " & _
soundMode & " " & _
currentMonitor & " " & _
totalMonitorCount & " " & _
currentResolution & " " & _
currentRefreshRate & " " & _
originalPlaybackSpeed & " " & _
currentPlaybackSpeed, _
MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
' WScript.Quit 0
End If
' Here is a sample of what can be done with PowerStrip
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' We will put new timings here if necessary
newTimings = ""
' Obviously we have something to do only if the icon is yellow
If eventName = "YELLOW" Then
' If soundMode = "PCM" Then
' Call the profile that match best what we need in PCM mode
Select Case mediaType
newTimings = "23"
Case "PAL"
newTimings = "23"
Case "PAL(2x)"
newTimings = "23"
Case "NTSC"
newTimings = "59"
Case "NTSC(2x)"
newTimings = "59"
Case "CINEMA(2x)"
newTimings = "59"
' case "CUSTOM"
' newTimings = currentPlaybackSpeed / 1000
End Select
' End if
End If
' We quit the player, restore our favorite refresh rate and/or resolution
' If eventName = "QUIT" Then
' newTimings = "59"
' End If
If eventName = "STOP" Then
WScript.Quit 1
End If
' Do we have new timings to apply ?
If newTimings <> "" Then
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(&H26&)
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
' Run SetDisplayFrequency command and wait for it to finish its job
WshShell.Run """" & _
"C:\Program Files (x86)\SlySoft\AnyDVD\SetDisplayFrequency.exe"" " & newTimings, 0, true
' If eventName <> "QUIT" Then
' WScript.Sleep(2000)
' End If
End If
' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
' the configuration has not changed
WScript.Quit 1
I need to execute "C:\Program Files (x86)\Promixis\Girder\60hz.exe"
Here's the script:
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
If objArgs.Count < 10 Then
MsgBox "Bad argument count !", MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
' the configuration has not changed
WScript.Quit 1
End If
eventName = objArgs(0)
mediaType = objArgs(1)
soundMode = objArgs(2)
currentMonitor = objArgs(3)
totalMonitorCount = objArgs(4)
currentResolution = objArgs(5)
currentRefreshRate = objArgs(6)
originalPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(7)
currentPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(8)
currentMediaFile = objArgs(9)
' If you need to debug, replace false with true in the following line
If false Then
MsgBox _
eventName & " " & _
mediaType & " " & _
soundMode & " " & _
currentMonitor & " " & _
totalMonitorCount & " " & _
currentResolution & " " & _
currentRefreshRate & " " & _
originalPlaybackSpeed & " " & _
currentPlaybackSpeed, _
MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
' WScript.Quit 0
End If
' Here is a sample of what can be done with PowerStrip
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' We will put new timings here if necessary
newTimings = ""
' Obviously we have something to do only if the icon is yellow
If eventName = "YELLOW" Then
' If soundMode = "PCM" Then
' Call the profile that match best what we need in PCM mode
Select Case mediaType
newTimings = "23"
Case "PAL"
newTimings = "23"
Case "PAL(2x)"
newTimings = "23"
Case "NTSC"
newTimings = "59"
Case "NTSC(2x)"
newTimings = "59"
Case "CINEMA(2x)"
newTimings = "59"
' case "CUSTOM"
' newTimings = currentPlaybackSpeed / 1000
End Select
' End if
End If
' We quit the player, restore our favorite refresh rate and/or resolution
' If eventName = "QUIT" Then
' newTimings = "59"
' End If
If eventName = "STOP" Then
WScript.Quit 1
End If
' Do we have new timings to apply ?
If newTimings <> "" Then
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(&H26&)
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
' Run SetDisplayFrequency command and wait for it to finish its job
WshShell.Run """" & _
"C:\Program Files (x86)\SlySoft\AnyDVD\SetDisplayFrequency.exe"" " & newTimings, 0, true
' If eventName <> "QUIT" Then
' WScript.Sleep(2000)
' End If
End If
' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
' the configuration has not changed
WScript.Quit 1