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Emergency calls that should go to 911 dispatch

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Nov 22, 2013
At this hospital I am employed at, we frequently have calls incoming to our dispatch/crisis/suicide team areas. When these calls should really be going to our local 911 dispatch. What our users are currently doing is taking the call, not putting the caller on hold, and grabbing a nearby phone and dialing 911 and asking the dispatcher to get someone to check on the welfare of the caller. What we would like to know is, is there a way somehow to take the call and transfer to 911 while remaining on the line without hold to ensure the caller gets to 911 dispatch? All suggestions welcome, as this is becoming a frustrating problem for my Emergency workers. Thank you in advance for your help.

maybe a 6 way meet me conference transfer the user into a conf ,

you could create a vdn 911 or 999 that goes to a vec that just has a step route-to meet me .

then your handler calls 911 and transfers the emergency services into the conf.

a simple conference call would work as well

acss sme acis sme acss cm 5.2.1 acss cm and cmm acss aura messaging.
I have just found that I can program a button to no-hold-conf, this works good, but would give the 911 dispatch the callerid of our hospital and not the troubled caller. Any way around this ?
yes have the emergency side do the conference this way 911 will receive the correct site info

acss sme acis sme acss cm 5.2.1 acss cm and cmm acss aura messaging.
I am not sure what you mean .... The emergency side would be a normal caller calling in with a problem, plus they would be outside of our exchange. Could be a cell phone or home phone.
ok now I understand, the real issue is the caller should be calling 911 from their cell phone but are instead calling your hospital, is this correct and if so I would tell them to hang up and call 911

acss sme acis sme acss cm 5.2.1 acss cm and cmm acss aura messaging.
or put a announcement in a vector with collect digits , press 1 for the hospital reception or if you require 911 assistance please press 2 then route of switch to 911

This is correct, while I think they should hang up and call 911 as well, the powers that be would like to ensure patient safety and that the patient has 100% been connected to the real 911. A hospital is a funny environment, because we have emergency rooms and crisis / suicide workers here, people sometimes call for advise or for whatever other reason. The workers want to make sure they are connected and not just tell them to call them selves. that is what I am trying to deal with :)

it is not your job to route 911 calls also you can open yourself up for lawsuits, even police depts have announcements telling caller if this is an emergency to hang up and dial 911, besides how would your hospital know where the caller is calling from and what 911 center to transfer the call to

acss sme acis sme acss cm 5.2.1 acss cm and cmm acss aura messaging.
Due to the circumstances of the information and the situation, I have passed this information along to our lawyers, they will be the final decision on how this works, it is already at our president level asking for this, out of my hands and scope. I only do as I am told :)
No I understand, good luck

acss sme acis sme acss cm 5.2.1 acss cm and cmm acss aura messaging.
After a lot of meetings and such with our 911 dispatch and state police, we are going to test some new features of our local 911 dispatch centers capabilities. Per our state police they want to test their new NG911 (next generation 911)

I need to make sure that I will be able to no hold conference / transfer a incoming DID call to 911, should I check or verify something in my dialplan to ensure this will work during our window of oppurtunity?
as long as you can dial 911 your all set

acss sme acis sme acss cm 5.2.1 acss cm and cmm acss aura messaging.
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