Hi all
I've some problems in embedding a ds9 application (ds9 is a software for visualize astronomical images) into a window tcl/tk.
My script is :
package require BLT
namespace import blt::*
toplevel .ds9
wm title .ds9 "QuickLook DS9"
wm geometry .ds9 800x860
set Ds9 "/usr/local/bin/ds9 -view buttons no"
pack [frame .ds9.fr1] -anchor nw -fill y
container .ds9.fr1.c -takefocus 1 -width 620 -height 860 -bg white
eval bgexec MyVar $Ds9 &
.ds9.fr1.c find -command "$Ds9"
.ds9.fr1.c configure -relief raised -bd 0 -name "SAOImage ds9"
pack .ds9.fr1.c -fill both
Sometime this procedure work without problems and some other the ds9 result not docked.
I don't know how to solve this!
Help me please!
I've some problems in embedding a ds9 application (ds9 is a software for visualize astronomical images) into a window tcl/tk.
My script is :
package require BLT
namespace import blt::*
toplevel .ds9
wm title .ds9 "QuickLook DS9"
wm geometry .ds9 800x860
set Ds9 "/usr/local/bin/ds9 -view buttons no"
pack [frame .ds9.fr1] -anchor nw -fill y
container .ds9.fr1.c -takefocus 1 -width 620 -height 860 -bg white
eval bgexec MyVar $Ds9 &
.ds9.fr1.c find -command "$Ds9"
.ds9.fr1.c configure -relief raised -bd 0 -name "SAOImage ds9"
pack .ds9.fr1.c -fill both
Sometime this procedure work without problems and some other the ds9 result not docked.
I don't know how to solve this!
Help me please!