i don't think there's any proper way to embed binary into an xml document. you could try looking in to using uuencoding or base64, but this would require a uuencode/decode function on both sides. i don't think this process would use any illegal xml chars.
The valid characters depend on the code page you use. However, there are some characters that you just can't have in a valid XML file, lib &, <, >,",'. For these, you use some predefined macros that any XML parser should properly transcode. Basically, all the macros have the form
macro = &text;.
The above characters valid XML representation would be:
& = &
< = <
> = >
" = "
... and I can't remember :-( the last ones.
However, if you want to represent a character not recognizable by a code page, you can always use its hexadecimal notation: &#xxxx;
I subscribe also to MrToms' reply on binary data issues. [red]Nosferatu[/red]
We are what we eat...
There's no such thing as free meal... once stated: methane@personal.ro
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