Once again I have to find a back door approach to do my job due to lack of privileges - arrrrghhhh! The DBA group has decided that developers, in the development database, can see the source of procedures and functions, but not packages. Don't ask why, I don't know. They only say that if I need to see the source then I can get it from the database.
I am almost there with the following script, but there is one tiny problem to overcome. When then source has embedded tabs, the extracted source shows without the indention.
The output of a function (not mine) shows like:
Replace and translate don't seem to help me take the tab and translate it to spaces so the the code is readable. It should be:
I can't write my own function for this because we need to use this in a database where I have no privileges. Is there any Oracle function or trick you can think of to do this?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant Developer/Analyst Oracle, Forms, Reports & PL/SQL (Windows)
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I am almost there with the following script, but there is one tiny problem to overcome. When then source has embedded tabs, the extracted source shows without the indention.
SET echo OFF
SET verify OFF
SET feed OFF
SET head OFF
SET show OFF
SET linesize 100
SET pagesize 0
accept in_owner prompt "Enter Owner Name: "
accept in_name prompt "Enter Source Name: "
accept in_type prompt "Enter Type Name: "
col text format a100 heading "Source Text" word_wrapped
spool extract_source.lst
FROM all_source src
WHERE src.owner = nvl(upper('&in_owner'),src.owner)
AND src.NAME = upper('&in_name')
AND src.TYPE = nvl(upper('&in_type'),src.TYPE)
ORDER BY src.owner, src.NAME, src.TYPE, src.line;
spool OFF
edit extract_source.lst
function addmonth (inmonth number)
return varchar2 IS
if inmonth > 0 THEN
return add_months(sysdate,inmonth);
end if;
when others THEN
return '000';
end addmonth;
function addmonth (inmonth number)
return varchar2 IS
if inmonth > 0 THEN
return add_months(sysdate,inmonth);
end if;
when others THEN
return '000';
end addmonth;
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant Developer/Analyst Oracle, Forms, Reports & PL/SQL (Windows)
My website: