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Sep 19, 2005
Hey, I usually use Tek-Tips for VB, C++, etc.

However, I'm trying to add a flash object to a webpage for my companies website. I have no problem embedding the .swf.

My problem is that although my side bar has no issues with the page header, my flash object does not "go under" the header like it is supposed to when I scroll. It "goes over" the header.

My code is as follows:

Response.Expires = -1000 'Make sure the browser doesn't cache this page
Response.Buffer = True 'enables our response.redirect to work

<!-- #include file="displayHeader.asp" -->
	<div class="contentWrap" id="contentStart">
		<div class="bodyWrap">
			<div class="contentSection welcomeSection">


If Request.Form("submit") ="Login" Then 
End If 

Sub CheckLoginForm
'check if the value of the text field 'username' and 'password' are correct
If Request.Form("username") = "username" AND Request.Form("password") = "password" Then
Session("BlnLoggedIn") = True

Response.Write	"<div class=""contentSection welcomeSection""> "
Response.Write	"<object width=""700"" height=""600""classid=""clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"" codebase=""[URL unfurl="true"]http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0"">"[/URL]
Response.Write  "<param name=""movie"" value=""Presentation/index.swf"" />"
Response.Write  "<embed src=""Presentation/index.swf"" width=""700"" height=""600"" type=""application/x-shockwave-flash"" pluginspage=""[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer""[/URL] />"
Response.Write	"</object>"
Response.Write	"</div>"

'if the values entered are incorrect then display the message below
Response.Write "<div align='center'>You are not logged in.</div><br>"
End If
End Sub

<% Sub ShowLoginForm %>
<div align='center'>
<!-- start the HTML login form -->
<form name="form" action="presentation.asp" method="post">
<tr><td>User Name :</td><td><input type="text" name="username"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password : </td><td><input type="password" name="password"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"></td></tr>
<!-- end the HTML login form -->
<% End Sub %>

		<!-- #include file="sidebar.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="displayFooter.asp" -->

Can someone please point me in the right direction.
Flash objects appear in their own special 'layer' above other content so they will always appear 'above' any HTML or images.

I think there may be a way to hack this, but I would imagine it is unreliable at best.

Is it possible to rethink how the page is structured to avoild the problem?

Can you also show Client side code or ideally a link to the page in question?


Tyres: Mine's a pint of the black stuff.
Mike: You can't drink a pint of Bovril.
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