I would like to embed an animation gif in a picture box or image box in VB6, but the gif picture just a static picture in the run time and design time.
Thus is it possible to embed an animation gif in a VB program?Thx a lot!
Sadly neither the VB Picturebox or Image control support animated gifs. However, browsers do! So consider dropping a Webbrowser DHTML Edit control onto your form. I happen to prefer the DHTML Edit control, so here is an example: pop a DHTML Edit control onto a form (you'll need to have added it a a component, set its Appearance property to 0 (flat), and Scrollbars property to False (this is one of the reasons why I prefer the DHTML control to the Webbrowser; it is easier to get rid of scrollbars...), then add this function to your project: [tt]
Private Function DHTMLLoadPicture(strPicFile As String, Optional StretchToFit As Boolean = False) As Picture
Dim tmpPic As Picture
Dim OldScale As Long
Set tmpPic = LoadPicture(strPicFile)
OldScale = Form1.ScaleMode
If StretchToFit Then
Form1.ScaleMode = vbMillimeters
DHTMLEdit1.Width = tmpPic.Width / 100 ' Picture width and height are returned in HiMetric units
DHTMLEdit1.Height = tmpPic.Height / 100 ' so convert to millimeters
' Webbrowser control version
' WebBrowser1.Width = tmpPic.Width / 100
' WebBrowser1.Height = tmpPic.Height / 100
End If
DHTMLEdit1.DocumentHTML = "<body topmargin='0' leftmargin='0'><p><img border='0' src='" + strPicFile + "'></p></body>"
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