Technical User
I am messing with some code.. Sample posted below...
I need to embed 2 queries in the body of the email message. I can get 1 query embedded, but I can't get 2...!!
Any suggestions or examples...???
Thanks in advance..!!
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Required Materials", acFormatHTML, "D:\UPSDATA\SMP\ReqdMaterials.htm"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set J = fs.OpenTextFile("D:\UPSDATA\SMP\ReqdMaterials.htm", ForReading)
MRTFBody = J.ReadAll
With MyItem
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.To = "Component EO Group"
.Subject = "Fleet EO - Notification"
.HTMLBody = MRTFBody
End With
I need to embed 2 queries in the body of the email message. I can get 1 query embedded, but I can't get 2...!!
Any suggestions or examples...???
Thanks in advance..!!
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Required Materials", acFormatHTML, "D:\UPSDATA\SMP\ReqdMaterials.htm"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set J = fs.OpenTextFile("D:\UPSDATA\SMP\ReqdMaterials.htm", ForReading)
MRTFBody = J.ReadAll
With MyItem
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.To = "Component EO Group"
.Subject = "Fleet EO - Notification"
.HTMLBody = MRTFBody
End With