OK I've got an odd message deleivery problem with an app. (delphi 7, using TIdSMTP and TIdMessage, Win2K and Exchange 5.5)
When the recipient is within my domain everything works OK. If however I address someone outside my domain I get a delivery failure. Outlook to the same external address from the same machine works fine.
So this works OK:
myMessage := TIdMessage.Create( nil );
toRecipient := myMessage.Recipients.Add;
toRecipient.Name := 'Me';
toRecipient.Address := '';
.. do the send ..
While this will fail:
myMessage := TIdMessage.Create( nil );
toRecipient := myMessage.Recipients.Add;
toRecipient.Name := 'Me';
toRecipient.Address := '';
Any ideas
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
When the recipient is within my domain everything works OK. If however I address someone outside my domain I get a delivery failure. Outlook to the same external address from the same machine works fine.
So this works OK:
myMessage := TIdMessage.Create( nil );
toRecipient := myMessage.Recipients.Add;
toRecipient.Name := 'Me';
toRecipient.Address := '';
.. do the send ..
While this will fail:
myMessage := TIdMessage.Create( nil );
toRecipient := myMessage.Recipients.Add;
toRecipient.Name := 'Me';
toRecipient.Address := '';
Any ideas
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.